Yet Another Sign of the Apocalypse

For those like me who read the news and discover that the most important questions go unasked . . . which is ok, since most of us wouldn't understand the answers anyway.

Location: Washington State, United States

I'm the host of The David Boze show on Seattle's Rush Limbaugh station Talk 770 KTTH. I grew up in rural Snohomish County (Stanwood)and have lived here all my life with the exception of my time with Hillsdale College. I am married to a beautiful, talented woman who also happens to be my best friend.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Changes at KTTH! The new David Boze Show!

Wow. It’s been a BIG day. I just got the word that I’ve been promoted to host The David Boze Show, 3-6pm weekdays after Michael Medved starting on Monday. I am absolutely thrilled and am greatly looking forward to the new adventure.

On a sadder note, this also means I’m saying goodbye to working with friends Dan Sytman and Teresa Joy. Dan is a hard-working, intelligent, talented guy and Teresa Joy is as her name sounds, a lovely person and a joy to be around. I know they both have fine futures ahead of them and I wish them well.


Blogger Matthew L said...

Congratulations on your new show. I am looking forward to listening on Monday.

1:31 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Congrats Dave! From one Stanwoodian to another, here's to a great show!

3:18 PM  
Blogger FastEddie said...

Just think; you can once again resume a human sleep cycle. Boze, you hooked me with your story about fending off attacking crows with a tennis racket. I still laugh when I think about it. Don't let the big time kill off the humor.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am happy for you, David. However, I really enjoyed hearing all three of you every weekday morning. I will miss Dan and Teresa very much. Congrats on your new gig!

5:46 PM  
Blogger CTRace said...

Sorry Dave, bad move for your station and you... in my opinion! I enjoyed the morning "local" show with "local" callers!!! I do not like Beck and this move forces me not to listen! Please learn from the other station 570... they changed and added a liberal...I won't listen to them either.

10:27 AM  
Blogger paleocon said...

You've got a great show, but you need to be on in the morning. KTTH would do well to get rid of Glenn Beck altogether and put Michael Savage back on at a decent hour. And get rid of the Sonics games. When I hear Glenn Beck, I think "WHO???" and when I hear regular programming being preempted for the Sonics I reach for the dial as I think "WHO CARES!" Is KTTH a talk station or what?

8:43 PM  
Blogger Edie said...

Hi Dave,
Am glad to be able to listen to you @ 3PM. However, I miss hearing Teresa Joy and the dynamic duo in the morning. Hearing commentary on local issues in the AM with a mix a great sense of humor was fun.
Losing you three in the morning has me listening to another radio station most of the day. Knowing you are on @ 3PM will find my radio tuned back to 770 for those 3 hours.
Give my regards to Teresa Joy and Dan for me. Can you tell me where they are and what they are doing now?

9:08 AM  
Blogger motherdear said...

Grasshopper, congratulations! I feel badly for Dan and Theresa, but let's face it, you carried the show. I also agree with ctrace that you need to move back to the morning slot. My morning routine was read the newspaper, then listen to you and Sytman to get your take on the events I'd just read about. Now I've changed to another station (not KVI) as Glen Beck at 7 am just doesn't cut it.

12:38 PM  
Blogger CastoCreations said...

I am totally bummed. I have nothing to listen to on my drive in now. I abandoned KVI for you two in the morning and now you're gone. I can't stand Beck and Laura barely comes in via 1300.

The only good news is that I'll have someone to listen to on the way home since I refuse to listen to KVI and their new change. If they hadn't kicked off Suits though I'd still be there. So you win by default! :)

I do enjoy you but will miss Dan and Teresa.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Freedom said...

Congratulations David!! I enjoy your show very much, keep up the good work!

9:12 PM  

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